Hello from Mateja, Blaž
and Jure! We are participants in the
Erasmus +KA2 programme and this year we visited Sweden where we stayed for 5
days. Our expectations were quite lower than the actual outcome. We were all surspised
while the week was unfolding.
My experience from
Sweden was amazing! It's always interesting to see different versions of
reality. My favorite thing about the programme was the fact that students from
all over Europe joined. That way I was able to see how the environment affects
the individual (some of the students were more talkative, open, while others
were more introverted). Seeing how amazing Sweden's school system is, how their
lives seem to be 'organized' I realised how important creativity is. I deeply
admire their commitment to expressing creativity. I think all school system
should include subjects that require creativity. I also loved the fact that we
spoke English all the time; it even became so natural to speak English to my
Slovenian friends. The programme, all of the activities and the experiences
were really breath-taking and I think the Swedish were fascinating hosts.
Moja izkušnja iz
Švedske je bila izjemna! Najbolj zanimivo se mi je zdelo videti drugačne
verzije resničnosti. Moja najljubša stvar glede programa je bilo dejstvo, da so
bili sodelujoči iz različnih držav Evrope, tako sem lahko videla kako okolje
vpliva na posameznika (nekateri sodelujoči so po naravi komunikativni, odprti,
medtem ko so nekateri narodi introvertirani). Impresionirana sem bila nad
šolskim sistemom Švedske ter kako organizirano življenje imajo. Ugotovila sem
kako pomembna je kreativnost. Globoko občudujem njihovo predanost izražanju
kreativnosti. Menim, da bi morali vsi šolski sistemi vsebovati izbirne
predmete, ki zahtevajo kreativnost. To, da smo veš čas govorili angleško se mi
je zdelo popolnoma naravno, celo tako naravno, da sem po pomoti včasih z
udeleženci iz Slovenije govorila angleško. Program, vse aktivnosti in na
splošno izkušnje so bile izjemne, Švedi pa si zaslužijo ogromno pohvalo za
njihovo gostitev!
Mateja Suban
Ko sem zvedel, da bom
sodeloval v mednarodnem projektu Erasmus+ sem bil zelo vesel. Ampak najprej je
bilo treba narediti nekaj stvari. Najprej smo morali napisati svoj opis,
narediti plakat, na katerem smo z kreativnim načinom predstavili svoj
življenjepis, opisati svoje mehke veščine ter narisati logotip za projekt. Nato
pa je sledil sam obisk Švedske, katerega sem se zelo veselil. Tam sem spoznal
veliko novih prijateljev iz različnih držav Evrope ter videl ogromno zanimivih
stvari. Vsi smo se zelo zabavali in teden je hitro minil. Obisk Švedske je
presegel vsa moja pričakovanja. Zelo sem vesel, da sem lahko bil del takšnega
izjemnega projekta, kot je Erasmus+.
When I found out that I will be a part in a international
project, called Erasmus+, I was very excited. But first, we needed to do some
things. First we had to write our description, make a poster on which we
showcased our CV, make a description of our soft skills and make a logo for the
project. Then came the time to visit Swedeg. I couldn't wait for the trip
beacuse i always wanted to visit atleast one country in Scandinavia. I met a
lot of new friends from all over Europe and saw a lot of interesting things. Ve
all had a great time and the week went by fast. Our visit of Sweden exceeded
all my expectations. I am glad that I could be a part of such an amazing
project like Erasmus+.
Blaž Vogrin
The Erasmus+ project was probably one of the best things that happened
to me. Everything started at school when our Tourism teacher offered us the
option to sign in to this project. At first, I didn't think much of it. The
first thing we had to do was to create a logo and a poster for WOW. Later we
had to do a personal description in English. After a while, we went to different
employers and gave them a survey on the importance of certain skills for
employment. Finally, we had to rate our soft skills and create a creative CV. I
was so happy when I found out that I was chosen. The level of my happiness was
undescribable.In the beginning, I didn't really think I would go abroad. I
traveled to Sween and loved every second of it. I made new friends and became
socially more active. I'm really thankful to everyone who made the experience
special and to everyone that gave me the opportunity. The project improved my
English and social skills.
Projekt Erasmus+ je verjetno ena od najboljših stvari, ki so se mi
pripetile. Vse se je začelo, ko nam je učiteljica turizma ponudila možnost, da
se priključimo projektu. Na začetku nisem imel nobenih posebnih pričakovanj.
Najprej smo si morali izmisliti logotip in plakat projekta WOW. Potem pa opis
samega sebe. Čez nekaj časa smo delodajalcem odnesli ankete o pomembnosti
določenih sposobnosti za zaposlitev. Pred izmenjavo pa še opis mehkih veščin in
kreativen življenjepis. Ko sem ivedel, da sem izbran za potovanje na Švedsko
sem bil zelo vesel. Nivo mojega veselja je bil neopisljiv. Na začetku, ko sem
se pridružil projektu, se mi še sanjalo ni, da bom potoval. Potoval sem na
Švedsko in užival vsako sekundo mojega časa tam. Spoznal sem nove prijatelje in
postal bolj socialno aktiven. Resnično sem hvaležen vesm, ki so mojo izkušnjo
na Švedskem popestrili, ter tistim, ki so mi to potovanje sploh omogočili.
Jure Tomše