Hello everyone! We are the Greek delegetion who participates the Erasmus+ KA2 programme for the 2017-2019 period! Our team who visited Sweden consists of three students and two teachers and we come from the 1st General Lycium of Chania, in Crete. Although it is not the first time that our school participates in a programme like this one, we are really excited and full of willness to make new experiences and relationships. We believe that this activity will benefit us mentally and psychologically, it will broaden our horizons and we are pretty confident that we will have an anforgetably joyful trip!!!The students: Anna-Maria Alexi, Valia Gaviotaki, Stella Maurommati
Γειά σας! Είμαστε η ελληνική ομάδα που συμμετέχει στο πρόγραμμα Ersamus+ KA2 για την περίοδο 2017-2019! Η ομάδα μας που επισκέφτηκε την Σουηδία αποτελείται από τρεις μαθήτριες και δύο καθηγητές από το 1ο Γενικό Λύκειο Χανίων, στην Κρήτη. Παρόλο που δεν είναι η πρώτη φορά που το σχολείο μας συμμετέχει σε ένα τέτοιο πρόγραμμα είμαστε πολύ ενθουσιασμένοι και γεμάτοι όρεξη για νέες εμπειρίες και γνωριμίες. Πιστεύουμε οτι αυτή η δραστηριότητα θα μας ωφελήσει τόσο σε γνωστικό επίπεδο όσο και ψυχικό, θα μας διευρύνει τους ορίζοντες και είμαστε σίγουροι οτι θα έχουμε ένα αξέχαστα απολαυστικό ταξίδι!!!
Οι μαθήτριες: Άννα-Μαρία Αλέξη, Βάλια Γαυγιωτάκη, Στέλλα Μαυρομμάτη
“The Erasmus+ week was one of the best experiences of my life. As a Portuguese host, I got toknow 5 different cultures, improve my English and show (proudly) to the others how there’s beauty
in every corner of my city. The most important is that I ended this week with a lot of new friends,
with whom I shared laughs, new experiences and opinions.They are wonderful and very special
people. The best part is we are already making plans so we can visit each other during the
summer. It was a very intense week, in the best way possible.
I learned so much about the search for a job, the CV and about hard and soft skills. With this
project, I got to know all kinds of things that will be super useful in the future. I’m very grateful
that I got the chance to be a part of this week. For me, the WOW project is like a bicycle. All the
different and necessary pieces travelled from multiple places to Portugal, where they, with the
help and instructions from our teachers, got together us one piece”
Inês Matos, Portugal.
“This whole week was just fabulous. I was not expecting it to be so good. It was very good to
improve our english skills and to learn more about the culture and about the world of work of
other European countries. It was also fascinating to see that even though we all belong to the
European Union and we are in general similar people we have different ways of working and
also different public and education systems.
In my opinion the greatest thing about it was to meet new friends from other countries with whom
we can now maintain contact and hopefully visit one day”
José Magalhães, Portugal
Portuguese version
Nós somos quatro alunos de Portugal que viemos visitar a cidade de Varnamo na Suécia.
"A semana de Erasmus+ foi uma das melhores experiências da minha vida. Sendo um anfitrião português, tive a oportunidade de conhecer cinco culturas diferentes, melhorar o meu inglês ae mostrar (com orgulho) aos outros como há beleza por toda a cidade. A coisa mais importante é que tinha muitos mais amigos quando esta semana terminou, com quem partilhei muitas gargalhadas, novas experiências e opiniões. Eles são pessoas fantásticas e muito especiais. A melhor parte é que já estamos a fazer planos para visistarmos os países uns dos outros durante o verão. Foi uma semana muito intensa, da melhor maneira possível.
Aprendi imenso sobre a procura de emprego, currículos e sobre hard e soft skills. Com este projeto, tive a oportunidade de descobrir imensas coisa que me serão muito úteis no futuro. Estou muito grato por ter podido fazer parte deste projeto. Para mim, o projeto WOW é como uma bicicleta. Todas as várias peças necessárias viajaram para Portugal onde, com a ajuda e orientação dos nossos professores, se juntaram."
Inês Matos, Portugal
"Esta semana foi simplesmente fabulosa. Nunca esperei que fosse tão boa. Foi muito bom poder melhorar o meu inglês e aprender mais sobre a cultura e sobre o mundo do trabalho de outros países europeus. Também foi fascinante ver que mesmo que pertençamos todos à União Europeia, e mesmo sendo pessoas semelhantes no geral, temos maneiras diferentes de trabalhar e também sistemas distintos no que toca à organização pública e à educação.
Para mim, a melhor coisa foi fazer novos amigos de países estrangeiros com que podemos manter contacto a partir de agora, e cujos países podemmos visitar um dia esperançosamente."
José Magalhães, Portugal
The Spanish delegation presents themself in both Spanish and Valencià!
Hola, somos el grupo procedente de España.
Somos 5 personas: tres alumnos, Nicole, Pau
Roberto y estamos acompañados por dos profesores.
Los tres estudiamos turismo en la misma
escuela, a pesar de no ir a la misma clase tenemos muy buena relación.
Venimos de Valencia, la capital de la
Comunidad Valenciana, en España.
Es la tercera ciudad más grande de España,
después de Barcelona y Madrid.
Su fiesta más popular son “Las Fallas” que se
convirtió patrimonio de la humanidad en 2017.
Algunos de los lugares más turísticos son: la
ciudad de las artes y las ciencias, el río Turia (que es un parque que cruza Valencia
de este a oeste, que antes era el cauce del propio río), el casco antiguo… etc.
Tenemos muy buen clima y buenas playas para
disfrutar de él.
Esperamos que vengáis y lo paséis igual de
bien de como lo estamos pasando nosotros en Varnamo.
Hola a tots, som el grup procedent d'Espanya.
Som en total 5 persones: tres alumnes, Nicole,
Pau i Roberto i estén acompanyats per dos professors.
Els tres estudiem turisme en la mateixa
escola. Malgrat que no anem a la mateixa classe, tenim molt bona relació entre
Venim de València, la capital de la Comunitat
Valenciana, en Espanya.
És la tercera ciutat més gran d'Espanya, després
de Barcelona i Madrid.
La seua festa més popular són les Falles, les
quals es van convertir en Patrimoni de la Humanitat en 2017.
Algun dels llocs més turístics són els
següents: la ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències, el riu Túria (el qual és un parc
que creua València d'Est a Oest, i que abans fou el llit del propi riu.), el
casc antic, etc.
Esperem que vingau a visitar-nos i ho passeu
igual de bé que estem passant-ho nosaltres en Värnamo.
Hello everybody
We are 3 students: Nicole, Pau and Roberto.
And two teachers from Spain.
We three are studying tourism in the same
school and we have become really good friends even though without going to the
same class.
We are from València, the third city in Spain after
Barcelona and Madrid.
The most popular festivity there is called
Fallas, which became UNESCO World Heritage in 2017.
Some of the most visited places are “Ciutat de
les Arts i Les Ciències”, River Túria and Old quarter.
We hope you could come and have as much fun as
we are having in Värnamo
The Swedish delegation
We are 28 Swedish students who are studying our second year at the upper secondary school Finnvedens Gymnasium in Värnamo, Sweden. Nine of us were lucky and got the chance to travel and act as hosts to the international students, which is something that we really appreciate! Different students from our class will visit different countries and get to know new friends for life.
Svenska delegationen
Vi är en klass på 28
elever som går andra året på Finnvedens Gymnasium här i Värnamo, Sverige. Nio
utav oss har också fått chansen att resa och vara värdar åt de internationella
eleverna, något vi verkligen uppskattar. Olika elever i klassen kommer att besöka olika länder och få vänner för livet.
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