The WOW-night
Welcome dinner
Sunday the 23rd of september students from Spain,
Portugal, Greece, Finland, Slovenia and Sweden met each other for the first
time. The night started with all the students and teachers eating greek
traditional food, made by the greek students’ parents. For many of the foreign
students it was their first time tasting dishes like mpoureki, pastitsio,
ntolmadakia, gemista and tsigkariasto. Afterwards, with live music in the
background, we all decided to learn traditional dances like sirto, pentojali
and malebijoti. Since there’s always room for desert everyone rushed back to
the tables as soon as it was ready. At the end of the night people gathered
around the tables and got to know each other on a personal level. As a
conclusion everyone went home with fun memories and new friends.
Botanic Park
On 26th of September 2018 we took a bus to the Botanic Park in Crete, Kolympari. The weather was exactly what we needed for the hike in the garden. We were given information about the park by a tourguide. The path we walked was 2.5 kilometers and it took us one and a half hours. There were 3 different climate zones: tropical, mediterrainean and albino. All the zones together included most of the herbs from all around the world. There was some animals in the middle of the park. We saw peacocks, donkeys, dears, badgers and kri-kris. Most of the animals were free walking in the park but some animals were in a enclosure for example the donkeys and dears. We also ate at a restaurant in the botanic park. The meal we were served was made of local products in order to experience the cretan nutrition. You were also able to buy fruits and vegtables that came from the Park.
Technical university of Chania
On Monday
24th September the Erasmus team visited the technical university.
The main purpose of visiting the university was to show us what a university in
Greece looks like and to make us interested in learning more about engineering.
The university is divided in blocks, each block is specialized in different
sectors. The first thing we saw in the university was two electric cars which
were presented to us by four students
we separated in two groups, each one of them visited a different sector. The
first group visited the Transformable Intelligent Environments Laboratory (TUC)
lab, in which they informed us about how public buildings can be transformed to
make the educational process more pleasant. The second group visited the
Robotic apartment and they showed us different technical devices that can be
very important in the society, and as an example, drones that can save lives.
conclusion, we believe that the visit at the university was constructive and
By: Johanna, Inês, Athina, Nicki, Elli and Eleni
The Ideal Lesson
is an ideal lesson like? Ideal
lesson is an idea from students how the each school systems should work. Each
student has its own opinion about the ideal lesson. We will combine our
thoughts together. We are a group of students from each country (Slovenia and
Greece) and we are going to introduce the topic of our ideal lesson.
First of all, the students think that our lessons should start at 9:00 am to be more productive and concentrated and it should last 45 minutes. Another point is that students should have a good environment for studying and use state-of-the-art equipment. We also suggest more comfortable equipment in classrooms, like chairs. The teachers should have a positive attitude towards students and use a lot of communication. They should give us clear examples so we can understand the topic more and also small tasks during the lessons so we can have teamwork experience and spirit. The teachers need to focus more on psychological and physical health of students and make creative and interactive lessons.
These are some of our suggestions for an ideal lesson.
First of all, the students think that our lessons should start at 9:00 am to be more productive and concentrated and it should last 45 minutes. Another point is that students should have a good environment for studying and use state-of-the-art equipment. We also suggest more comfortable equipment in classrooms, like chairs. The teachers should have a positive attitude towards students and use a lot of communication. They should give us clear examples so we can understand the topic more and also small tasks during the lessons so we can have teamwork experience and spirit. The teachers need to focus more on psychological and physical health of students and make creative and interactive lessons.
These are some of our suggestions for an ideal lesson.
Anja Rešetič (Slovenia)
Akis Lionis (Greece)
Valia Gaviotaki (Greece)
Giannis Kalogerakis (Greece)
Akis Lionis (Greece)
Valia Gaviotaki (Greece)
Giannis Kalogerakis (Greece)
Tera Creta
On the 26th of September we visited the
Tera Creta olive oil Company placed in Kolymvari, Chania. First we went to the
olive trees field where the tour guide talked to us about how they grow,
cultivate and harvest the olives. Next we learnt how they separate the olives
from the trees and then we went to the lab where we saw how they test the
olives’ quantity, acidity and quality.
After that they told us about the extraction of the olive oil through a milling
process which is separated in to two categories, the normal and the bio olive
oil extraction. Finally we went to bottling section of the factory where they
talked about the packaging process and then we tasted the produced olive oil
and the olives.
Anna Maria Alexi
Maria Fragiadaki
Dimitris Vourakis
Maria Trashian
Veronika Starc
Luis Silva
Central Market
We were
promoting our local products on Tuesday the 25th of September
outside the central market in the center of Chania. Each country had their own
table which were decorated with traditional decorations, for example flags. Unfortunately,
it was a windy day, which made it hard to keep the things in place. Silk
(Spain), candy (Sweden), appetizers (Portugal), pumpkin oil (Slovenia), coffee
(Finland) and Kalitsounia (Greece) were some of the products we were promoting.
students stayed in the stands, while some tried to attract people to learn
about our cultures and try our food and fabrics. Most of the people were
tourists and because of that the students needed to cooperate and help each
other to interact and make our job better.
This whole
event made our English more fluent and gave us more confidence to talk to more
people and make them interested. We learned about marketing techniques such as
a stay positive and keep going even though you get a “no“ for an answer.
All though
most of us were a little bit nervous in the beginning we think we did a
wonderful job. We believe collaboration and team work were the keys to our
Made by: Josephine
Wikhult, Manuela Costa Lina SImantiraki, Argiro Batzaki and Kaisla Iljin.
Slovenian deligation of the second LTT activity in Sveden
Hello from Mateja, Blaž
and Jure! We are participants in the
Erasmus +KA2 programme and this year we visited Sweden where we stayed for 5
days. Our expectations were quite lower than the actual outcome. We were all surspised
while the week was unfolding.
My experience from
Sweden was amazing! It's always interesting to see different versions of
reality. My favorite thing about the programme was the fact that students from
all over Europe joined. That way I was able to see how the environment affects
the individual (some of the students were more talkative, open, while others
were more introverted). Seeing how amazing Sweden's school system is, how their
lives seem to be 'organized' I realised how important creativity is. I deeply
admire their commitment to expressing creativity. I think all school system
should include subjects that require creativity. I also loved the fact that we
spoke English all the time; it even became so natural to speak English to my
Slovenian friends. The programme, all of the activities and the experiences
were really breath-taking and I think the Swedish were fascinating hosts.
Moja izkušnja iz
Švedske je bila izjemna! Najbolj zanimivo se mi je zdelo videti drugačne
verzije resničnosti. Moja najljubša stvar glede programa je bilo dejstvo, da so
bili sodelujoči iz različnih držav Evrope, tako sem lahko videla kako okolje
vpliva na posameznika (nekateri sodelujoči so po naravi komunikativni, odprti,
medtem ko so nekateri narodi introvertirani). Impresionirana sem bila nad
šolskim sistemom Švedske ter kako organizirano življenje imajo. Ugotovila sem
kako pomembna je kreativnost. Globoko občudujem njihovo predanost izražanju
kreativnosti. Menim, da bi morali vsi šolski sistemi vsebovati izbirne
predmete, ki zahtevajo kreativnost. To, da smo veš čas govorili angleško se mi
je zdelo popolnoma naravno, celo tako naravno, da sem po pomoti včasih z
udeleženci iz Slovenije govorila angleško. Program, vse aktivnosti in na
splošno izkušnje so bile izjemne, Švedi pa si zaslužijo ogromno pohvalo za
njihovo gostitev!
Mateja Suban
Ko sem zvedel, da bom
sodeloval v mednarodnem projektu Erasmus+ sem bil zelo vesel. Ampak najprej je
bilo treba narediti nekaj stvari. Najprej smo morali napisati svoj opis,
narediti plakat, na katerem smo z kreativnim načinom predstavili svoj
življenjepis, opisati svoje mehke veščine ter narisati logotip za projekt. Nato
pa je sledil sam obisk Švedske, katerega sem se zelo veselil. Tam sem spoznal
veliko novih prijateljev iz različnih držav Evrope ter videl ogromno zanimivih
stvari. Vsi smo se zelo zabavali in teden je hitro minil. Obisk Švedske je
presegel vsa moja pričakovanja. Zelo sem vesel, da sem lahko bil del takšnega
izjemnega projekta, kot je Erasmus+.
When I found out that I will be a part in a international
project, called Erasmus+, I was very excited. But first, we needed to do some
things. First we had to write our description, make a poster on which we
showcased our CV, make a description of our soft skills and make a logo for the
project. Then came the time to visit Swedeg. I couldn't wait for the trip
beacuse i always wanted to visit atleast one country in Scandinavia. I met a
lot of new friends from all over Europe and saw a lot of interesting things. Ve
all had a great time and the week went by fast. Our visit of Sweden exceeded
all my expectations. I am glad that I could be a part of such an amazing
project like Erasmus+.
Blaž Vogrin
The Erasmus+ project was probably one of the best things that happened
to me. Everything started at school when our Tourism teacher offered us the
option to sign in to this project. At first, I didn't think much of it. The
first thing we had to do was to create a logo and a poster for WOW. Later we
had to do a personal description in English. After a while, we went to different
employers and gave them a survey on the importance of certain skills for
employment. Finally, we had to rate our soft skills and create a creative CV. I
was so happy when I found out that I was chosen. The level of my happiness was
undescribable.In the beginning, I didn't really think I would go abroad. I
traveled to Sween and loved every second of it. I made new friends and became
socially more active. I'm really thankful to everyone who made the experience
special and to everyone that gave me the opportunity. The project improved my
English and social skills.
Projekt Erasmus+ je verjetno ena od najboljših stvari, ki so se mi
pripetile. Vse se je začelo, ko nam je učiteljica turizma ponudila možnost, da
se priključimo projektu. Na začetku nisem imel nobenih posebnih pričakovanj.
Najprej smo si morali izmisliti logotip in plakat projekta WOW. Potem pa opis
samega sebe. Čez nekaj časa smo delodajalcem odnesli ankete o pomembnosti
določenih sposobnosti za zaposlitev. Pred izmenjavo pa še opis mehkih veščin in
kreativen življenjepis. Ko sem ivedel, da sem izbran za potovanje na Švedsko
sem bil zelo vesel. Nivo mojega veselja je bil neopisljiv. Na začetku, ko sem
se pridružil projektu, se mi še sanjalo ni, da bom potoval. Potoval sem na
Švedsko in užival vsako sekundo mojega časa tam. Spoznal sem nove prijatelje in
postal bolj socialno aktiven. Resnično sem hvaležen vesm, ki so mojo izkušnjo
na Švedskem popestrili, ter tistim, ki so mi to potovanje sploh omogočili.
Jure Tomše
My experience with a second-hand shop while we were in Varnamo
While we were in Värnamo, we visited a second-hand shop Erikshjälpen.
The first thing we heard was the story of Erikshjälpen.
Erik Nilsson was born in 1929 in the region of Småland, Sweden. He was
suffering from hemophilia and spent extended periods of his life in hospital.
However, instead of feeling pity for himself, he started sending greetings and
small gifts to encourage other sick children. He collected postal addresses by
listening to a radio program where letters from children were read out. By
1946, when Erik was seventeen years old, his charity work was established. A
couple of years later, Eriks was interviewed in this weekly radio program and
his work became known to the public. Gifts started to pour in from people
around the country of Sweden. Erik died in 1966 only 37 years old but the work
he started continues and today thousands of vulnerable children and families
around the world are given an opportunity for education and livelihood and are
able to shape their own future.
We then took a tour of the shop and bought what we wanted.
The Erasmus project in Portugal - being a host
“The Erasmus+ week was one of the best experiences of my life. As a Portuguese host, I got to
know 5 different cultures, improve my English and show (proudly) to the others how there’s beauty
in every corner of my city. The most important is that I ended this week with a lot of new friends,
with whom I shared laughs, new experiences and opinions.They are wonderful and very special
people. The best part is we are already making plans so we can visit each other during the
summer. It was a very intense week, in the best way possible.
I learned so much about the search for a job, the CV and about hard and soft skills. With this
project, I got to know all kinds of things that will be super useful in the future. I’m very grateful
that I got the chance to be a part of this week. For me, the WOW project is like a bicycle. All the
different and necessary pieces travelled from multiple places to Portugal, where they, with the
help and instructions from our teachers, got together us one piece”
Inês Matos, Portugal.
“This whole week was just fabulous. I was not expecting it to be so good. It was very good to
improve our english skills and to learn more about the culture and about the world of work of
other European countries. It was also fascinating to see that even though we all belong to the
European Union and we are in general similar people we have different ways of working and
also different public and education systems.
In my opinion the greatest thing about it was to meet new friends from other countries with whom
we can now maintain contact and hopefully visit one day”
José Magalhães, Portugal
know 5 different cultures, improve my English and show (proudly) to the others how there’s beauty
in every corner of my city. The most important is that I ended this week with a lot of new friends,
with whom I shared laughs, new experiences and opinions.They are wonderful and very special
people. The best part is we are already making plans so we can visit each other during the
summer. It was a very intense week, in the best way possible.
I learned so much about the search for a job, the CV and about hard and soft skills. With this
project, I got to know all kinds of things that will be super useful in the future. I’m very grateful
that I got the chance to be a part of this week. For me, the WOW project is like a bicycle. All the
different and necessary pieces travelled from multiple places to Portugal, where they, with the
help and instructions from our teachers, got together us one piece”
Inês Matos, Portugal.
“This whole week was just fabulous. I was not expecting it to be so good. It was very good to
improve our english skills and to learn more about the culture and about the world of work of
other European countries. It was also fascinating to see that even though we all belong to the
European Union and we are in general similar people we have different ways of working and
also different public and education systems.
In my opinion the greatest thing about it was to meet new friends from other countries with whom
we can now maintain contact and hopefully visit one day”
José Magalhães, Portugal
Swedish experience in Portugal
Our journey began in Alvesta, a small town often used
as a meeting point during trips like this. We went by train to Copenhagen were
we then catched a flight to Amsterdam and further on to Porto. In Porto we were
greeted by the Portuguese teachers who took us to the suburb Matosinhos.
Same day as our arrival we started by visiting the
city hall of Matosinhos where we had the opportunity to listen to the mayor and
learn about how their society works. Afterwards we had a guided tour around the
building and later on went to the school for the first time to meet the hosts
and the rest of the Portuguese students. During the trip we had the opportunity
to learn about work and study opportunities in the different countries that was
visiting like Finland, Slovenia, Spain, Greece and of course the host country
Portugal. We also had the chance to taste typical Portuguese food together with
our new friends around Europe.
During the evenings we usually went by metro to Porto
to have dinner and see the beautiful city. We visited a multinational technical
cooperation who developed electrical cars with stations all over the globe and
had a guided tour there as well. One of the days we went by bus all around Porto
and the surrounding areas. We got the chance to try the famous port vine in of
the most popular wine cellars in Porto, a fantastic experience. The week ended
with a last night of dance and a lot of food and drinks. We got the chance to
try folk dance from different countries and cultures and also show some of our
own traditional dances.
It was a fantastic life experience in many different
ways. We got the chance to make a lot of new friends, hopefully friends for
life, improve our soft skills and our ability to speak English. Leaving the
place was difficult for sure but in today’s society staying in touch is not a
problem. We are very grateful for the explicit experiences and all our fabulous
new friends from all over Europe, this is something we will never forget and
hopefully we will meet all of our new friends again.
If you ever have the opportunity to participate in the
Erasmus project, you should!
Gummifabriken Värnamo
Today we received a tour of the Gummifabriken in Värnamo.
It used to be a rubber producing factory, but today it serves the municipality
of Värnamo in many different ways. It has been renovated into a creative place
for meeting (library, restaurant, cinema, etc. ) has an educational program and
a technology department. The library has two floors filled with interesting
books and places to read in silence and relax. We’re very amazed by the amount
of books it has and the space of the library. After viewing the library, we had lunch at the
restaurant that takes places in the ground floor. The restaurant has delicious
food and is very stylish with beautiful design. After lunch we recieved the
tour of the third floor in which they have the science park and the technology
We are very impressed by Sweden’s educational system, especially the way they include creativity into everything they do. We noticed that they really value education, research and sharing knowledge in general. We think the investment they made was beneficial for the community and will help in the development of the region. Our favorite thing about the company is the union of the cultural, educational , scientific area and entrepreneurship.
/Slovenian team
The cozy night by the fire at Osudden.
We met up at 6.30 p.m on Monday evening at a place called Osudden by the lake called Vidöstern. We started a fire and started toasting marshmallows, hot dogs and the typical Swedish "twist bread", pinnbröd in Swedish!
Osudden was a meeting point and everybody dropped in whenever suited them. Even though the lake was still frozen, Aaron from Finland, took a swim so he had to dry up by the fire. After a while, everybody started to grill their food and then some started to climb trees and explore the area. On the other hand, some stayed by the fire and got to know each other better. Benjamin from Sweden brought a speaker so we played music all evening. Eventually, the battery ran out so everybody started singing together instead.
By the time it turned dark we had to put blankets on to keep warm.We stayed there for a couple of hours until the firewood ran out. We had a really good time, especially the ones that come from southern Europe since they are not used to these kinds of gatherings around the fire. This was a wonderful start for the whole week in Sweden.
The technic centre in Gummifabriken 10.4.2018
Today was the second day here in Värnamo and we visited Gummifabriken. First we went to see the library and after the tour we had lunch. After lunch we went to see the technic section. First we saw a huge 3D-printed dinosaurus head. Then we were walking around and looking at the offices. There was also a "creative office" which was a place to create new ideas. Each office there was for a different company. The guide told us that the offices were free for the first six months and after that the workers and companies would have to start paying rent.
Then we went to see the programming area and our guide told us about the things they usually do there and what equipments they have. For example they had 3D-printers and robots. After that our guide taught us how to do basic programming with iPads and Lego-robot trucks. Then we had approximately 30 minutes to program the mini robot trucks to complete a special track which was made for them. After practicing we had a little competition against the other teams.
We had very much fun there and it was also creative and educational. Gummifabriken was a great experience and the building itself was very modern and welcoming.
Then we went to see the programming area and our guide told us about the things they usually do there and what equipments they have. For example they had 3D-printers and robots. After that our guide taught us how to do basic programming with iPads and Lego-robot trucks. Then we had approximately 30 minutes to program the mini robot trucks to complete a special track which was made for them. After practicing we had a little competition against the other teams.
We had very much fun there and it was also creative and educational. Gummifabriken was a great experience and the building itself was very modern and welcoming.
First entry
Today, April 10, 2018, our six delegations will have their first editorial office meeting and henceforth articles will follow!
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